:Welcome to the the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services website. Aviation Department. City Planning and Development. Health. City Planning and Development. For births or deaths that occurred outside Missouri, see Where to Write for Vital Records, CDC. See also the State of Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Information. The City of Columbia Missouri's official Health Department web site. Learn about the latest health related issues affecting Columbia, apply for birth or death certificates, and. Macon County Health Department Judy Rushton, Administrator 503 N. Missouri Macon, MO 63552 660-385-4711 Fax 660-385-2014 Business Hours: About the Animal Health Division. The health of Missouri's livestock is enviable among states.. Missouri Department of Agriculture CALLAWAY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Callaway County Health Department 4950 County Road 304 Fulton, MO 65251 Phone: 573-642-6881 FAX: 573-642-2098 Email: lynchs@lpha.mopublic.org 105 Lincoln ST Carthage, MO 64836 PH: 417-358-3111 PH: 417-358-0481 FAX: 417-358-0494 Toll Free 877-879-9131.-

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